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Publications and presentations

Mayara Moraes Monteiro, Ravi Seshadri, and Carlos M. Lima Azevedo. Implementation of a Danish activity-based model. In Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, Vol 29, DOI:, 2022.

Johan V. Flensburg, Carlos M. Lima Azevedo, Francisco M. Pereira Duarte Rodrigues, and Fabrizio Cerreto. Machine learning til realtidsforudsigelser af oprindelse-til-destination efterspørgsel for jernbaner med smart card og udbudsdata. InProceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, DOI:, 2022.

Leo D’Amato, Federico Naldini, Valentina Tibaldo, Vito Trianni and Paola Pellegrini, Self-organization for train re-scheduling and re-routing : a proof of concept, 24th conference ROADEF of the French society of operations research and decision aid, Rennes, France, 2023.

Leo D’Amato, Federico Naldini, Valentina Tibaldo, Vito Trianni and Paola Pellegrini, Designing self-organizing railway traffic management. In 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - RailBelgrade 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023.

Fabrizio Cerreto, Paola Pellegrini, Rémy Chevrier, and Fabrizio Tavano. Assessing self-organization algorithms for railway traffic: the selection of three case studies for the sortedmobility research project. In 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - RailBelgrade 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023.

Konstantinos Rigos, Egidio Quaglietta, and Rob M.P. Goverde. Goal oriented self-organization in railway. In 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - RailBelgrade 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023

Vito Trianni, Collective Intelligence, FAIR Spoke 5 & 10 Scientific Meeting, Rome, Italy, 2023.

Vito Trianni, Collective Intelligence: from Natural to Artificial Systems, Trusted AI and Autonomy, Rome, Italy, 2023.

Fabrizio Cerreto, Introduction to SORTEDMOBILITY, RailCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023.

Paola Pellegrini, Self organized train traffic, RailCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023.

Johan Victor Flensburg, Demand prediction and assignment for demand-oriented traffic management in rail, RailCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023.

Vito Trianni, Intelligenza collettiva dai sistemi naturali a quelli artificiali, 1° Convegno su Intelligenza Artificiale e Naturale (IAN ’23), Rome, Italy, 2023.

Bianca Pascariu, Johan V. Flensburg, Paola Pellegrini, and Carlos M. Lima Azevedo, Integrating passenger demand prediction in real-time rail traffic management. In 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies - IFORS 2023, Santiago, Chile, 2023.

Leo D'Amato, Vito Trianni, and Paola Pellegrini, A consensus algorithm for decentralised real-time railway traffic management. In 4th International Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for RAILwayS” - AI4RAILS 2023, Ischia, Italy, 2023.

Leo D’Amato, Federico Naldini, Valentina Tibaldo, Vito Trianni, and Paola Pellegrini, Designing self-organizing railway traffic management. In International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science - ODS 2023, Ischia, Italy, 2023.

Bianca Pascariu, Johan V. Flensburg, Paola Pellegrini, and Carlos M. Lima Azevedo.  Integrating passenger demand preferences in real-time rail traffic managementt. In International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science - ODS 2023, Ischia, Italy, 2023.

Leo D’Amato, Federico Naldini, Valentina Tibaldo, Vito Trianni and Paola Pellegrini. Towards self-organizing railway traffic management: concept and framework. In Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 29, March 2024, DOI:

Georges Sfeir, Filipe Rodrigues, Ravi Seshadri, Carlos Lima Azevedo. Identifying Choice Sets for Public Transport Route Choice Models using Smart-Card data: Generated vs. Empirical Sets. 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research - IATBR 2024, Vienna, Austria, 2024.